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Ideals  (1962)  djvu 120 kb
The Question of the Identity of Thought and Being in Pre-Marxist Philosophy  (1964)  djvu 650 kb
From the Marxist-Leninist Point of View  (1967)
Mind and Brain (An Answer to D.I.═Dubrovskii)  (1968)  djvu 350 kb
Tre secoli di immortalità  (1977)
Brief des Philosophen Iljenkow an das ZK der KPdSU  (2006)  pdf 170 kb
Guānniàn dōngxī. In: Sūlián zhéxué zīliào xuǎnjí, dì shíèr jí
(1964, in Chinese: The ideal, Philosophical Encyclopaedia, vol. 2)
 djvu 940 kb
Mǎkèsī Zīběnlùn zhōng chōuxiàng hé jùtǐ de biànzhèngfǎ
(1993, in Chinese: The Dialectics of the Abstract and the Concrete in Marx’s Capital)
  djvu 3,4 mb


Dialectics of the Ideal  [pdf 1 mb]
Dialectical Logic  [pdf 860 kb]
The Ideal in Human Activity. A Selection of Essays  [pdf 1,6 mb]
School must learn to think  [pdf 380 kb]
Psychology  [pdf 95 kb]

Dialectics of the Abstract and Concrete
The Concept of the Ideal
Activity and Knowledge
Leninist Dialectics and Metaphysics of Positivism
The Universal
The Problem of Contradiction in Logic [fragment]
Humanism and Science

Τεχνοκρατία και ανθρώπινα ιδεώδη στο σοσιαλισμό (Για τα είδωλα και τα ιδεώδη)
Διαλεκτική λογική
Η διαλεκτική του Λένιν και η μεταφυσική του θετικισμού

A Dialética do Ideal
Humanismo e Ciência
O Universal
Atividade e Conhecimento
O Conceito de Ideal
Materialismo Militante √ Meios Dialéticos
O Problema da Contradição na Lógica
O Problema do Ideal na Filosofia
Hegel e a “Alienação”
Desarrollo Teórico y Contradicción
Três Séculos de Imortalidade

La dialéctica de lo Ideal
Tres siglos de inmortalidad
Marx y el mundo occidental
El ideal
De idolos e ideales
Hegel y la “enajenacion”
La dialéctica antigua como forma de pensamiento
Para relatar sobre N.P. Dubinin
El problema de la contradicción en la lógica


Studies in East European Thought. Volume 57, September 2005.
Special issue: The Philosophy of Evald Ilyenkov (edited by Vesa Oittinen)

Alex Levant √ E.V. Ilyenkov and Creative Soviet Theory: An Introduction to Dialectics of the Ideal
Alex Levant √ Review of E.V. Ilyenkov, “The Ideal in Human Activity” (Marxist Internet Archive Publications, Pacifica CA, 2009)

Claude M.J. Braun, On Trends in the Status of Dialectical Logic: A Brief Study of Lefebvre, Ilyenkov and Wald

Encyclopedia of Marxism: Glossary of People: Ilyenkov

Sergey Mareev √ A philosopher under suspicion

Alexei Tsvetkov √ The Last Soviet Marxist

David Bakhurst √ Consciousness and Revolution in Soviet Philosophy. From the Bolsheviks to Evald Ilyenkov.
New York, etc.: Cambridge University Press, 1991

Susan Welsh √ E. Ilyenkov and the Deaf-Blind Children: Soviet Psychologists Show Pavlov the Door

Corinna Lotz, Paul Feldman, Penny Cole & Gerry Gold √ Contradictions within the Ideal, mediation and transformation in global capitalist society
Corinna Lotz & Penny Cole √ Spinoza, Ilyenkov and Western Marxism: meeting the challenges of the global crisis
[See also the article in Russian translation]

Peter Jones √ Symbols, tools, and ideality in Ilyenkov
Peter Jones √ Ideality, symbols, and the mind (response to David Bakhurst)

James Scanlan √ Ilyenkov (Biographical Dictionary of Twentieth-Century Philosophers)
David Bakhurst √ Il’enkov Eval’d Vasil’evich (Concise Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

The new books

Evald Ilyenkov and Creative Soviet Marxism

Edited by Alex Levant & Vesa Oittinen
Leiden: Brill, 2013. 222 p.
ISBN 978-90-04-23097-2

The ⌠Activity Approach■ in Late Soviet Philosophy

Edited by Andrey Maidansky & Vesa Oittinen
Leiden: Brill, 2015. 204 p.
ISBN 978-90-04-27313-9

Forthcoming in Brill:
Ilyenkov, Evald. Intelligent Materialism: Essays on Hegel and Dialectics, edited, translated and with an Introduction by Evgeni V. Pavlov